A Letter From the President
March 2023

I think I speak for us all when I say that words could never express our deepest sense of gratitude to Nancy Creech for her lifetime of commitment to the Neptune Festival — quite simply, we would not exist without her vision and unwavering passion. We enjoyed celebrating Nancy’s service to not just the Neptune Festival, but also the arts community and City of Virginia Beach in January with presentations and performances by Virginia Symphony Orchestra, Virginia Musical Theatre, and the Governor’s School for the Arts.
By the time you read this, we will have crowned a new King — continuing our tradition of honoring community leaders and ardent supporters of the Neptune Festival. It was wonderful seeing so many of you at the Coronation Gala in our new venue at the Marriott Virginia Beach Oceanfront. Congratulations to King Neptune XLIX Bill Lascara and Lady Laura along with all of Court 49! It’s going to be a great year! You can learn more about this year’s Royal Court here.
During our strategic planning sessions last year, we heard from many members of the Royal Order about their desire to be more connected, informed, and engaged with the Festival. This year, you’ll see more opportunities to get together at Neptune’s Night Out (our evenings together at a local restaurant), chances to volunteer alongside each other and our community partners, and occasions to enjoy each other’s company at exclusive Royal Order events.
We plan to produce the The Trident Times: News and Updates from the Royal Order of Neptune every quarter, so expect the next edition in June. In coming editions, we’ll talk about the ways in which the Neptune Festival is involved across the community — supporting our partners by being “better together.” You’ll hear more about our collaboration with Virginia Beach City Public Schools as well as the ways we’re working to highlight the extraordinary contributions of our first responders and members of our armed services. You’ll also be privy to some exciting plans for our 50th Anniversary in 2024!
Finally, we’d like to hear from you. What would you like to see in our newsletter? Are there specific topics or initiatives you’d like to see covered? Special recognition for members of our Royal Order and Board of Directors? Send me an email at kit@neptunefestival.com.
In closing, I’d like to say thank you to each one of you — members of the Royal Order, directors, sponsors, and partners. The Neptune Festival continues to thrive because of your enthusiasm and leadership. The staff and I promise that as we continue to grow we will honor the traditions of which we are all so proud.
Thank you,
Kit Chope